The School Lunch Diploma

In Finland, all pupils have the right to eat a wholesome lunch at school every day for free. Finnish schools have served lunch for over 60 years. The purpose of the school lunch is to keep children healthy and support their growth. School lunch is also an essential part of teaching and education. 

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The School Lunch Diploma is an award granted to schools for providing nutritionally, educationally, and ecologically sustainable school lunches. The diploma certifies the school’s commitment to the national standards and recommendations set for high-quality school lunches. It also tells of great collaboration.

  • The goals of the School Lunch Diploma include raising the appreciation of school lunches and the professionals behind them, increasing awareness of lunch-related issues within the school community, and integrating it with teaching.
  • A school can apply for the diploma if it has embraced the best practices defined in the diploma criteria. These criteria have been designed to measure the quality of lunch breaks.
  • The School Lunch Diploma questionnaire gives new ideas for school lunches and encourages schools to improve those aspects that are not yet at the required level.

Does your school already have a School Lunch Diploma -brochure (pdf)

This project aims at improving the appreciation of public food services and the professionals who create enjoyable meals. The project is coordinated by Ammattikeittiöosaajat ry, the Finnish association of food service professionals. The funding comes from Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


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